Main Gaming Features

Informative checkpoints

The following gameplay footage contains an example of an Informative checkpoint placed near the cafetería. By entering the active checkpoint highlighted with the UTD BUFALOS logo, you will be promted with information about that specific place. This is intended for new students to get familiar with the main points of interest inside the University.


The Game has 2 drivable cars available right from the start, each one with its own driving style, maximum velocity and handling. To review the Driving controls and Music/FM Radio system go to the Controls Page.

4 cylinder Seda

The fastest way to travel around the map (178km/h as top speed). Has working breaklights and steering system.


This is the main way of colective transportation. Has a stiffer handling system but compensates it with the highest road clearence.

Music / FM Radio

6 different modes including 4 radio stations

See Game Controls